Little notes to self. For Dark Age of Camelot. Yup, a Dark Age of Camelot Blog.

Inn of the Smiling Sun

[ a r c h i v e s ]

What is the Meaning of Life?

To MUD, to MUD, that is the Meaning of Life.

Dark Age of Camelot
What is the Meaning of Life?
Tuesday, October 28, 2003


I'm no longer playing DAoC.

BUT! I have moved to Final Fantasy XI.

Linda! *points to previous sentence*

9:09 AM

Sunday, May 11, 2003

Dragon Raid on Albion

Ailorv went for a dragon raid last early this morning. *stretch*
The wait for everyone to meet at Cornwall took about an hour. (I took the opportunity to tailor.)
The journey to Dartmoor was about half an hour. (No tailoring, there.)
Waiting for everyone to agree on the strategy took about another hour. (More tailoring fun!)

Rican was the Raid Leader, but even then, in the /cg, dozens of morons insisted on making everyone listen to them by yelling in FULLCAPS. All this time, Golestandt+++ stood majestically on his mound, leering at the 60+ adventurers grouping up outside his lair. Ailorv was grouped with Saharazad and Areyn. Saharazad managed to sneak us along for the fun.

Golestandt+++'s lair is a derelict building with only corners of walls left standing. His mound is right in the middle of the building, with exits in each of the 4 directions. After much strategic planning, the following was decided :

- Healers were taken out of groups and seperated into 2 groups. (One group to hang west of the lair, one group to the east of the lair.)
- Melee typs were to /follow Rican to engage Golestandt+++.
- Nukers were to, well, nuke.
- Pets were to be sent unrelentlessly to Golestandt+++.
- The south exit is the place to meditate.


The Dragon was tough, and Ailorv died 4 times. Actually, it was a good thing, since Clerics who rezzed me used their highest Ressurection prayer, giving me half bar of mana. Enough to send another bunch of earth pets towards Golestandt+++.

During the battle, which lasted about half an hour, people were yelling that the mound was the safest place to be. Golestandt+++'s aoe breath did not reach the top of the mound. Almost immediately, that statement would be countered. Oh well, I spent most of the time on it anyway, and the only times (all 4 of them) when Ailorv died was when she was trying to reach the sides to meditate for mana. So the mound is relatively safe, then.

Slowly, the tanks, pets and nukers beat Golestandt+++ down. And at last, he died. Dropping his much promised loot. Right down a crack in the mound. Duh.

/appeals were immediately sent out, and almost immediately /appeal cancelled. People decided that only Rican should be the one allowed to abuse the CSR about the loss of the promised prize.

Standing around waiting for a response from any CSR took a long time. (Ailorv picked up her Sewing Set again for more tailoring fun.)

I gave up after about two hours of waiting, and /quit.

Ahh, the joys of DAoCing. (:

2:31 AM

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Ailorv's tailoring is at 758, currently making runed cymric leather boots.

She's a 38 Theurgist with 35 Earth, 14 Cold, and 1 Wind.

4:29 AM

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Something to Read while Mindlessly Crafting

The Stinkeye Guide to Daoc - Dealing With the 'd00d'

DaoC Wilderness Guide: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10

11:24 AM

Money spent on Sylvya's Spellcrafting so far : (a rough calculation)

(Spell Craft at 946 points, currently making Perfect Airy Arcane Stone)
(Alchemy at 416 points, currently making Light Grey Dye)

From Jadyte 8 plat 312 gold
From Karah 1 plat
From assorted handouts by nice kind ppl 300 g
From sales 450g
From Shakunra 1 plat
From Colours 1 plat

7:46 AM

I gave up, and told the next customer I charge X2 cost.

Whoa. Lavibaen agreed, with NO complaints!

But he turned out to be a nice guy, so I charged 30g (Cost: 29g 75s 40c). He paid 35g anyway, saying I should look him and his wife up in Midgard Iseult. (Tahlion from Casual Mids). Aren't some customers just the nicest?

Total Cost: 29g 75s 40c
1 uncut Fiery Essence Jewel
2 polished Fiery Essence Jewels
1 raw Earthen Essence Jewel
1 raw Vapor Essence Jewel
2 uncut Vapor Essence Jewels
2 imperfect Vapor Essence Jewels
1 uncut Airy Essence Jewel
1 flawed Airy Essence Jewel
1 uncut Watery War Spell Stone
1 flawed Watery War Spell Stone
1 rough Airy War Spell Stone
3 uncut Airy Battle Jewels

5:50 AM

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

I've decided to work for cost and live off the tips people give me.
Cost of Gems for Lichen : 22g
She paid me 35g.

Not exactly 2X Cost, but a lot less aggravation.

1:48 PM

Shit List
Phlegethon from Celestial Guardians

12:21 PM

Great Book of Customers

Oari - 38g
Magikally - 100g

10:30 AM

How much should I charge for Spellcrafting Orders?

Magikally's Order
Today, I made the following Gems:
1 flawless Earthen Essence Jewel
1 faceted Airy Essence Jewel
1 polished Blood Essence Jewel
Total Cost: 48g 2s 20c

Using the Cost X2 plan, I would have to charge 98g 4s 40c. I rounded up and charged 100g for the three gems. Customer paid, but not before saying how costly I was. Eh!
For the sake of comparison, lets just calculate how much I should charge if I used the Table :

Pricing is per gem:
Tier 1: 3 gp Tier 2: 6 gp Tier 3: 9 gp Tier 4: 12 gp Tier 5: 20 gp
Tier 6: 28 gp Tier 7: 36 gp Tier 8: 46 gp Tier 9: 56 gp Tier 10: 66gp

Flawless is 9th Tier : 56gp
Faceted is 7th Tier : 36gp
Polished is 6th Tier : 28gp <--- total of 120gp !!

Oari's Order
3 flawed Fiery Essence Jewels
4 flawed Earthen Essence Jewels
1 flawed Vapor Essence Jewel
1 imperfect Vapor Essence Jewel
1 imperfect Airy Essence Jewel
1 flawed Dusty Essence Jewel
1 raw Blood Essence Jewel
1 rough Blood Essence Jewel
4 imperfect Mystic Essence Jewels
Total Cost: 36g 97s 60c

Considering he was nice and all, I charged him 38g for the lot.

10:05 AM

Money spent on Sylvya's Spellcrafting so far : (a rough calculation)

(Spell Craft at 930 points, currently making Perfect Earthen Battle Jewel)
(Alchemy at 416 points, currently making Teal Dyes)

From Jadyte 8 plat 12 gold
From Karah 1 plat
From assorted handouts by nice kind ppl 300 g
From sales 450g
From Shakunra 1 plat
From Colours 1 plat

7:08 AM

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

What Reagents for which Gem? - Hibernia

1. Essence Jewels - Stats - Essence of Life
Airy - Quickness - air elemental essence - Speedy
Blood - Hit Points - giant blood - Sturdy
Dusty - Intelligence - undead ash and holy water - Insightful
Earthen - Constitution - treant blood - Fortifying
Fiery - Strength - draconic fire - Mighty
Heated - Empathy - heat from an unearthly pyre - Attuned
Icy - Charisma - frost from a wasteland - Glib
Mystical - Power - mystic energy - Arcane
Vapor - Dexterity - swamp fog - Adroit
Watery - Piety - leviathan blood - Willful

2. Shielding Gems - Resists - Ground Draconic Scales
Airy - Thrust Resist - air elemental essence - Thrustbender
Dusty - Body Resist - undead ash and holy water - Bodybender
Earthen - Matter Resist - treant blood - Matterbender
Fiery - Crush Resist - draconic fire - Bluntbender
Heated - Heat Resist - heat from an unearthly pyre - Heatbender
Icy - Cold Resist - frost from a wasteland - Icebender
Light - Energy Resist - sun light - Energybender
Vapor - Spirit Resist - swamp fog - Spiritbender
Watery - Slash Resist - leviathan blood - Edgebender

3. Battle Jewels - Melee Skills - Bloodied Battlefield Dirt
Airy - Stealth - air elemental essence - Shadowwalker
Dusty - Envenom - undead ash and holy water - Venomous
Earthen - Staff - treant blood - Thunderer
Fiery - Shield - draconic fire - Protector
Heated - Critical Strike - heat from an unearthly pyre - Lifetaker
Vapor - Parry - swamp fog - Bladeblocker

4. War Spell Stones - Weapon Skills - Unseelie Dust
Airy - Recurve Bow - air elemental essence - Hawk
Dusty - Piercing - undead ash and holy water - Lancenator
Earthen - Celtic Spear - treant blood - Impaling
Fiery - Blunt - draconic fire - Crushing
Heated - Large Weapon - heat from an unearthly pyre - Sundering
Icy - Celtic Dual - frost from a wasteland - Whirling
Light - Scythe - sunlight - Reaper's
Watery - Blades - leviathan blood - Razored

5. Nature Spell Stones - Naturalist Spell Skills - Fairy Dust
Airy - Music - air elemental essence - Resonant
Earthen - Nature Affinity - treant blood - Animalbound
Fiery - Nurture - draconic fire - Plantbound
Oozing - Creeping Path - treant blood - Withering
Steaming - Arboreal Path - swamp fog - Arbor Defender
Mineral Encrusted - Verdant Path - heat from an unearthly pyre
Watery - Regrowth - leviathan blood - Forestbound

6. Arcane Spell Stones - Caster/Champion Spell Skills - Otherwordly Dust
Airy - Valor - air elemental essence
Earthen - Mentalism - treant blood - Mindbender
Fiery - Light - draconic fire - Lightbender
Icy - Void - frost from a wasteland - Voidbender
Vapor - Enchantments - swamp fog - Ensorcelled
Watery - Mana - leviathan blood - Starbinder

7. Spell Stones - Focus - Ground Draconic Scales
Earth - Mentalism - treant blood - Mentalbound
Fire - Light - draconic fire - Lightbound
Ice - Void - frost from a wasteland - Voidbound
Mineral Encrusted - Verdant Path - heat from an unearthly pyre - Valebound
Oozing - Creeping Path - treant blood - Vinebound
Steaming - Arboreal Path - swamp fog - Barkbound
Vapor - Enchantment - swamp fog - Magicbound
Water - Mana - leviathan blood - Manabound

2:03 PM

29 of 28 bonus points - 10% overcharge penalty.
8:41 AM

Watery Focus Gems on Leladia's Calculator is Water Spell Stone.
5:50 AM

Sellback price for Pefect Gem is 19 gold, 61 silver, 60 copper.
5:15 AM

Monday, May 05, 2003

How much should I charge for Spellcrafting Orders?

According to Leledia :

another little update from Alb/Galahad...
haven't really been doing the extra cost for overcharging, just the straight 2x for 1-39 and 2x+10g (per item) for 40+
Haven't had a single person complain about the price yet (most often they comment about how cheap it is), and actually am MAKING money while skilling up at 1022 Not much, but I went from 997 to 1022 today and ended up with more cash than I started with.

3:51 PM

How much should I charge for Spellcrafting Orders?

Maybe I should use this list :

Pricing is per gem:
Tier 1: 3 gp
Tier 2: 6 gp
Tier 3: 9 gp
Tier 4: 12 gp
Tier 5: 20 gp
Tier 6: 28 gp
Tier 7: 36 gp
Tier 8: 46 gp
Tier 9: 56 gp
Tier 10: 66 gp

3:47 PM

How much should I charge for Spellcrafting Orders?

According to Asteram:

Ive been using the following pricing structure that I've tweaked from many other's I've seen:

Per Piece
1-24 Imbue Point= Materials + 2g per IP + 30g per Overcharge Point
25-32 IP = Materials + 4g per IP + 40 g per Overcharge Point

Examples of the above = 33/28 Imbue Item = (28x4) +(5x40) = 312g + Materials.....24/24 Imbue Item = (24x2) = 48g

High Qual Gems = Do them in sets of 5, customer pay 3xGemCost. Customer tells me qual gem they want and if I dont succeed in first attempt they pay for another set of 5 at 3xGemCost

Designing = If they want me to design a piece for them it is 50g per piece up to 2 pieces, everyone after that is 150g for a total of 700g for a suit. This is just a designing fee and really is an attempt to discourage them from wanting me to design since this is one of the most time consuming.

Havnt had any complaints yet but wouldnt really care if they did since i started crafting in SC for my guild, and will do orders for others time permitting

3:04 PM

How much should I charge for Spellcrafting Orders?

According to Lollipopins :

So, if your customer wants you to attempt a gem 6 times (1 initial make, 5 retries), you must charge him 2.75x materials cost.

Let's see if this works "in production":

160c gem again.

1. Customer hands you 2.75 x 160c = 440c.
2. make -160, left 280
3. sell +104, left 384
4. make -160, left 224 (remake 1)
5. sell +104, left 328
6. make -160, left 168 (remake 2)
7. sell +104, left 272
8. make -160, left 112 (remake 3)
9. sell +104, left 216
10. make -160, left 56 (remake 4)
11. sell +104, left 160
12. make -160, left 0 (remake 5)
13. Customer hands you 440c again.

2:47 PM

How much should I charge for Spellcrafting Orders?

According to Realjones of Albion, Pellinor :

And now for a little math to explain where those numbers came from. Note that the formula for determining how much an item costs the crafter to make is:

Price = (material cost + recraft cost), and remember from above that recraft cost (for each try) = material cost x .5, so:

Price = material cost + (material cost x .5 x number of retries). This is not the cost to the customer; this is how much the item costs the crafter to make.

100% quality items (masterpieces): The odds of getting a masterpiece are 1 in 50. There will be an AVERAGE of 50 tries for each masterpiece. This means that in those 50 attempts, 49 of those will be retries and one will be the actual item. So the formula is:
Price = material cost + (material cost x .5 x 49) = material cost + (24.5 x material cost, or 25.5 x material cost.
So as you can see, it costs the crafter an average of 25.5 times the material cost of item to produce a masterpiece. The cost to the customer of 28-30 times the material cost provides a small profit for the crafter. As you can see, masterpiece gems are really not worth their price. They cost A LOT to make due to the low buy back rate. You are much better off buying 99 qual gems.

99% items: 99% items have approx 1 in 6 change of being made. This means that there will be an AVERAGE of 6 tries for each 99% item. This means that in those 6 attempts, 5 of those will be retries and one will be the actual item. So the formula is:
Price = material cost + (material cost x .5 x 5) = material cost + (2.5 x material cost, or 3.5 x material cost.
So as you can see, it costs the crafter an average of 3.5 times the material cost of item to produce a 99% item. The cost to the customer of 5-7x times the material cost provides a profit for the crafter. Note that for overcharging, 99 qual gems are much much more efficient and cheaper than 100 qual gems.

98% items: 98% items have approx 1 in 6 change of being made. However, almost all decent crafters (including myself) will give a 99% gem if they make it while crafting your order. This reduces the chance to getting a 98-99% item to 2 in 6, or one in 3. This means that there will be an AVERAGE of 3 tries for each 98-99% item. This means that in those 3 attempts, 2 of those will be retries and one will be the actual item. So the formula is:
Price = material cost + (material cost x .5 x 2) = material cost + (1 x material cost, or 2 x material cost.
So as you can see, it costs the crafter an average of 2 times the material cost of item to produce a 98-99% item. The cost to the customer of 3-4x times the material cost provides a profit for the crafter.

2:31 PM

How much should I charge for Spellcrafting Orders?

So far, I've been charging Cost X 3 for orders. Not much, considering how troublesome it is to make the damn gems. Think I'll charge Cost X 4 on my next order.

Example, for today, the imbue I did for 2 weapons cost me 2g 25s. I charged him 10g. Hmmm... He seemed OK with it.
Next armour imbue cost me 9g 11s, I charged 40gold. Customer was not concerned. Not very consistent charges on my part.
The third order was for just one gem, cost of 25g 82s 40c. I charged 50g for it. I could not bring myself to charge more. (Considering Cost X 3 = 75g) What was I thinking!

1:01 PM

List of Gems and Cost

Lo gem : 60c : Raw
Um gem : 5s 40c : Uncut
On gem : 32s 40c : Rough
Ee gem : 1g 29s 60c : Flawed
Pal gem : 3g 88s 80c : Imperfect
Mon gem : 8g 74s 80c : Polished
Ros gem : 13g 12s 20c : Faceted
Zo gem : 19g 68s 60c : Precious
Kath gem : 25g 59s : Flawless
Ra gem : 29g 42s 40c : Perfect

10:21 AM

Money spent on Sylvya's Spellcrafting so far : (a rough calculation)

(Spell Craft at 914 points, currently making Perfect Fiery Essence Jewel)
(Alchemy at 402 points, currently making Weak Elixir of Power)

From Jadyte 7 plat 12 gold
From Karah 1 plat
From assorted handouts by nice kind ppl 300 g
From sales 450g
From Shakunra 1 plat
From Colours 1 plat

10:07 AM

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